26 April 2023

Image of Class 4 - Summer 1 - Week 2

The weeks are flying by and yet another has come to an end. In maths this week, both year 5 and 6 have been learning about angles, measuring with protractors and solving problems using known facts. In English, we have been writing our own non-chronological reports based on a mythical creature of our choice. These have included The Kraken, Phoenix and Loch Ness Monster. In PE, we have continued to practise our catching, batting and bowling skills. 

We held a very successful bake sale on Wednesday morning. It was a real team effort with the whole class baking and bringing in cakes to sell to raise money for our Richard Crosse Racing Day. Thank you to everyone who donated or bought a cake.

Posted by jdavies

Category: Class 4

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