22 December 2023

Image of Autumn Term 2 - Week 7

The show today was certainly a spectacular way to end what has been a fantastic term in Class 4. The week has been memorable for many reasons. In English, we finsihed drafting, editing and publishing our newpaper reports based on the publication of Anne Frank's Diary. The headings, pictures with captions and wonderful handwriting make them eye-catching and effective. 

On Wednesday, Class 4 helped run the Christmas Service by reading verse, introducing members, playing recorders and singing in the choir. As all who managed to attend would agree, the confidence and clarity with which our children performed their lines was inspiring and admirable. 

In Art, we created wonderful scenes of St. Paul's Cathedral during The Blitz. Firstly, we had to draw a skyline of 1940s London and then carefully cut it out. Then, we chalked around the outline and blended the chalk with our fingers to provide the effect of flames and smoke. By adding searchlights to the night sky, our artwork was complete and looked very dramatic.


Autumn 2 Week 7 Class 4

Posted by John Frame

Category: Class 4

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