9 February 2024

Image of Spring Term 1 - Week 5

It has been a half term that makes me especially proud to teach Class 4. Their enthusiasm for learning is infectious. We have enjoyed learning about a great variety of math topics such as multiplication, division, ration and algebra. Our English lessons relating to the book The Explorer by Katherine Rundell has brought The Amazon to life in our classroom. Many managed to show great skill in using dialogue to make their narratives engaging and further develop their character's personality. 

In Geography, we explored the different flora and fauna seen in a variety of biomes around the world. New biomes such as taiga and tundra opened our eyes to new habitats and landscapes that cover vast areas. Linking this to our Science lessons, we delved deeper into the organisms that live in these habitats. Through becoming familiar with Carl Linnaeus, we discovered a new way to classify living things by following the Linnaean Taxonomy. 

After investigating several parables from The Bible, we enjoyed discussing the teachings from them and relating them to our own lives. Our Microbit lessons were certainly a huge hit as the children were fully engaged in developing their coding. We began by creating our own accelerometers by creating our own variable 'steps' and increasing it each time the MicroBit was shaken. Then, we created nightlights by utilising the hardware's light sensors to turn the LEDs on when it was dark. Finally, we became introduced to using IF statements to create the game Rock, Paper, Scissors. 

To end the half term, we joined together to do a circle time and reflect on how successful we have been in achieving the goals we set in Autumn 1. It was wonderful to hear what each child was proud of and learning their hopes for the second half of the year. We definitley have a lot to look forward to!


Spring 1 Week 5 Class 4!

Posted by John Frame

Category: Class 4

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