22 March 2024

Image of Spring Term 2 Week 5

It's time to celebrate all the amazing learning and effort that has taken place, in what can only be described as a truly jam-packed Spring term. The class have truly flourished and have epitomised being a rolemodel to the whole school. 

In our final week, we reached the end of many of our units for this half term with brilliant outcomes. None more so, than the incredibke poems produced and published. In Class 4, we have been exploring the wonderful poetry seen in the picture book ‘Wild World’ by Angela McAllister. All the poems highlighted the different habitats we are blessed with on earth. By using figurative language, repetition and conscious word choices to alter the tone within our poems we have shown our skill with language. Our creativity shone as we illustrated our poems showing vibrant colours that can only be seen in nature.

Enthusiastically, we completed an experiment to end our Science unit on electricity. Independently, the class devised their own experiment involving the replacement of batteries for a circuit with lemons, poatatos and grapefruits. Each group attempted to light an LED by using copper and zinc cathodes in their fruit (which had electrolytes) to power their circuits. After a few failed attempts it became clear that the voltage from half a piec of fruit was so low that we needed to combine many pieces to generate suffiecient power. Once, we did this it became clear that potatoes, grapefruits and lemons work to power circuits.

In our final two history lessons, we researched the impact of Alfred The Great and how he got his namesake. Then we investigated using comparision how the Vikings lived and discussed whether or not this was similar to how the Anglo-Saxons did. 

French involved learning about many Easter traditions across the world and more specifically what traditions are unique to or originated in France. 

Utilising many different limbs, Class 4 composed and performed pieces of music using the art of body percussion. The variety of sounds and tones created helped each piece have a unique feel about it and allowed for it express different emotions. Each group worked wonderfully together to decide on their final approach.


Class 4 Spring Term 2 Week 5!

Posted by John Frame

Category: Class 4

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