19 April 2024

Image of Summer Term 1 - Week 2

It's been an exhilarating week in Class 4, packed with a range of fantastic learning experiences that have left us buzzing with excitement. In our Mathematics sessions, we delved deep into the realm of numbers, exploring the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percentages. We also sharpened our mathematical skills and gained a newfound confidence in tackling numerical challenges.

Meanwhile, our artistic talents shone brightly as we experimented with vector drawings on Chromebooks. With digital shapes in hand, we let our imaginations run wild, creating stunning works of art that truly showcased our creativity and innovation.

In Religious Education, our exploration of the Islamic faith continued as we deepened our understanding of the Five Pillars of Islam. Through engaging discussions and reflective activities, we gained insights into the significance of Shahadah, Salah, and other pillars, fostering empathy and respect for different cultural and religious practices.


Science took us on a journey into the wonders of life as we learned about gestation periods. From elephants to chickens, we marveled at the diverse ways in which animals bring new life into the world. Together, we identified patterns that helped us predict which animals would take longer to gestate than others based on their size.

In our writing sessions, we developed our imaginations by crafting descriptive paragraphs set in a dystopian setting. With vivid imagery and carefully chosen language, we painted a picture of a world filled with intrigue, danger, and abandonment.


Summer Term 1 - Week 2 - Class 4

Posted by John Frame

Category: Class 4

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