6 September 2024

Image of Autumn Term 1 -Week 1


Welcome back Class 3! 

We have all settled in really well and have enjoyed sharing stories about our summer holidays. This week in Maths, we have started our topic ‘Place Value’. We have been representing numbers to 1000 using base ten equipment and place value counters. In English, we have been exploring poetry using the book ‘The Dept. of Laughs and Giggles’ by Pep the poet. We are really excited to meet Pep the Poet next week. We have enjoyed learning our spellings using a range of fun activities such as arranging scrabble tiles, making letters with play doh and writing silly stories. In History, we have started learning about the Ancient Egyptians. Firstly, we explored where Egypt is and the type of human and physical features it has. After that, we researched how the Egyptians communicated and had a go at writing in hieroglyphics. 

Overall, a really great first week back to school. Well done Class 3!

A1 - gallery Class 3

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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