Greenpower Project! Over the last few months, our year 5 and 6s have been working on Go-Karts. It has been a very fun experience and we are extremely grateful to have Dr Allen come into our school and help us. Our class has been split into 3 teams who decided to make their themes : Team Tesco, The Dragon Riders and The Jolly Rogers (us). The first session was on the 14th of December (2023) when we did risk assesments and discussed team ideas. On our next session on the 8th of January (2024) we collectively decided to do a pirate themed car as well as creating mini models of the car and body work. Over the next few sessions we began our car and bodywork. Year 6 built the Go-Kart and Year 5 created the cardboard bodywork. Our design was a pirate ship with rats on the back, a flag, a skull and crossbones on the bonnet, waves down the side and a number plate on the front. We look forward to race day when we race against other schools from throughout Staffordshire. (Written by Ernie and Alex from Team Jolly Rogers)

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