15 September 2023

Image of Class 2- Autumn Term 1- Week 2

We have really got into the swing of things this week! In English, we have started looking at the book ‘Dear zoo’ and have written sentences about some of the different animals. We have had a big focus on capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and neat handwriting. Our Maths work has been all about place value. Year 1 have been focussing upon numbers to 10 and Year 2 numbers to 100. We are working very hard to ensure that all of our numbers are written the correct way around. In RE, we have started to look at the creation story. We have ordered and acted out the events of each day. Our Art lessons are based around the work of Josiah Wedgewood. We have looked at lots of his pottery designs and discussed the similarities and differences between them. We have also had a go at drawing a pot in the style of the ones we have been looking at. What a jam packed week we have had! 

Posted by lderry

Category: Class 2

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