15 September 2023

Image of Autumn Term 1 - Week 2

In Class 4, we have enjoyed our new English topic based on the book 'How the Whale Became' by Ted Hughes. So far, we have explored the text and made comparisons to different origin stories from the same book. In maths, both Year 5 and 6 have further deepened their understanding of place value in preparation for the upcoming calculations topics. Beyond this, we have piqued our curiosities having first hand experience with fossils and learning how they are used by scientists for information. Sketching in art lessons allowed many to demonstrate a great understanding of how shade can create the effect of a light source in a drawing. It has been a week full of effort and determination of worthy of the highest praise - well done!

Aut 1 week 2 Class 4

Posted by John Frame

Category: Class 4

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